Tillandsia Cyanea Anita

Tillandsia cyanea anita pink quill


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Caring Tips


The majority of plants belonging to the Tillandsia genus such as the Air Plants don't need much water, however the Pink Quill does need quite a bit more to do really well. They can be chlorine sensitive so if you are able, provide rain or bottled water instead of tap water. It doesn't need as much watering as a typical houseplant but you should be looking to water whenever the soil becomes dry. This may mean a good watering every couple of weeks, more in very hot weather and less in Winter. When in doubt its better to underwater than overwater these plants.


You need to avoid direct sunlight to prevent the leaves burning, but good indirect light is needed to quickly grow young plants to a flowering size. However if your plant is already in flower or you do not intend to keep your Pink Quill around after flowering has finished then less light is fine.


Pink Quill plant is also a Bromeliad which is desirable because of the exotic and tropical looking flowering bract that it produces. Lasting up to 3 months they can really add interest to an area much longer than a bunch of flowers could.
There is no repeat flowering with many Bromeliads instead they live on either through the seeds they create (not a viable option for the average owner), or by the offsets the mature plant produces after flowering has finished. This means the Pink Quill plant is frequently treated as a temporary house guest rather than a permanent resident. That said, the stiff green leaves can have a beauty of their own that some people find attractive.
Like most of the popular Bromeliad houseplants, once flowering is finished thef lowering bract of the Pink Quill plant starts to die, followed by the main adult. With its energy exhausted it has once last trick which is to produce several offsets around its base - the next generation.These offsets or "pups" can be separated from the parent plant if desired and grown on to hopefully flower themselves one day, or you can leave them where they are. In time this will produce an attractive large bush which could have multiple flowering bracts as shown in the picture.It's rewarding to grow a young offset to the flowering stage although it's still much more common to purchase a flower already in bloom.