Spider Plant

Chlorophytum comosum


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You should water them liberally through the summer and mist them occasionally. During winter, cut watering back.


While spider plants will grow under most conditions, there are some things to consider if you want your plant to thrive. In terms of light, they are undemanding. Spider plants prefer bright light and tend toward scorching in direct sunlight. However, they will grow in conditions ranging from semi-shady to partial direct sun. Avoid direct sun.


The spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is considered one of the most adaptable of houseplants and the easiest to grow. This plant can grow in a wide range of conditions and suffers from few problems, other than brown tips. The spider plant is so named because of its spider-like plants, or spiderettes, which dangle down from the mother plant like spiders on a web. Available in green or variegated varieties, these spiderettes often start out as small white flowers.
Despite the creepy-crawly name, the spider plant is among the most popular (and easiest to grow) of all hanging or trailing houseplants. While these exceptionally hardy plants will survive in less than perfect conditions, in perfect conditions they are stunning. A mature plant will form tight rosettes of arching leaves with a profusion of hanging plantlets on long stems, up to three feet, somewhat like a bushy green mane. Although there is a pure green variety, the most common variety seen in garden centers in the green-and-white striped 'Variegatum.' Mature plants have small white flowers.