Philodendron Tortum

Philodendron bipinnatifidum


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Philodendron Tortum should be watered well, deep enough so that the soil does not get dry too soon. However, standing water should be drained immediately to prevent clogging. During the winter season, the plant should be watered less with an increased duration between watering. Winters keep the soil moist longer. Therefore, by increasing the time between the watering, you will give the soil enough time to dry. Philodendron immediately reacts to too much or too little watering. Their leaves start to droop, and their color starts to fade. Water when the soil is about to dry out but never let it dry out completely. In general apartment conditions, water about once a week.


Philodendron Tortum enjoys medium sunlight and will grow best with bright indirect light. This means the plant prefers indirect light as direct light damages the plant. The damage can be irreversible, and the leaves of the Tortum plant might get burnt if the direct sunlight was too intense for multiple hours. Philodendron Tortum prefers bright and open spaces. Therefore, the place where they are kept is important. I prefer keeping my Philodendron Tortum near to the window but not too close so direct sunlight never reaches the plant. Even after constant care, the leaves may start to yellow. There is nothing to worry about leaves yellow when they wish to make more room for newer ones. If it is the older leaves that yellow it is normal there is nothing to worry about, really.


Philodendron Bipinnatifidum ‘Tortum’ is a spectacular plant due to its iconic lancet-shaped, deeply lobed leaves. This characteristic give the Tortum a palm like look. This delicate looking philodendron is relatively easy to maintain and is going to add that wow factor to any collection.
Philodendron Bipinnatifidum ‘Tortum’ should be watered regularly in the summer months, approximately weekly, and in winter half as often, this also applies to fertilising. The plant should be re-potted yearly in spring into a generous, yet not oversized pot, to allow the root base to develop through the growing season.
The plant has several air-purifying benefits, which include neutralizing indoor poisons such as benzene, formaldehyde, and air pollutions.