Philodendron Brasil

Philodendron hederaceum


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Caring Tips


Water your Philodendron well and allow the top 50% of the soil to dry before watering again. Yellow leaves may indicate over watering, while brown leaves mean the plant needs more water.


The Philodendron Brasil can survive in low light conditions, but grows faster and produces more leaves in medium or bright indirect light. The variegation will be more pronounced in higher light. Do not put it in direct sunlight since the sun will burn the foliage.


An incredibly resilient tropical plant, this colorful variation of the heart-leaf philodendron is the perfect choice for beginners. From a sporadic watering schedule to poor light conditions, the Philodendron Brasil can handle almost any type of neglect, meanwhile adding touch of tropical beauty to any space.
The Philodendron Brasil offers a colorful twist on a classic houseplant and is surprisingly easy to care for. With heart-shaped leaves in different shades of green and yellow, this trailing plant earned its name thanks to the close resemblance to the Brazilian flag. 
You can either keep you Brasil in a hanging pot and let its leaves trail down or you can train it to grow upwards by using supports. This plant is considered a fast grower. Fertilize your Philodendron Brasil 1-2 times per month in the spring and summer with indoor plant food, or foliar feed year round.